Justin Turner

DevOps & Cloud Engineer

Technologist with a wide range of experience in networking, security, scripting, and cloud computing. Over the last four years, I took a career break to fulfill my life-long dream of exploring the United States in an RV, wrote a novel, and completed my AWS Solutions Architect Associate certification. I'm currently looking for a remote (or Peoria, IL based) role.


AWS Certifified Solutions Architect - Associate

May 2022 - Current

MCSA: Windows Server 2012

2016 - Current

MTA: Database Fundamentals

2014 - Current

Personal Projects


JhtResume.com was built from the ground up utilizing only AWS Cloud services and Infrastructure as Code. The project is packaged in a SAM template, tracked in a GitHub repo, then deployed and unit tested through GitHub Actions—all while adhering to CI/CD best practices.

Tech stack: DynamoDB, API Gateway, Route53, CloudFront, CloudFormation, Lambda, SAM, GIT, GitHub, GitHub Actions, MAKE, Python, JavaScript, NodeJS, Puppeteer, HTML/CSS, YAML, and Bash.

GitHub: https://github.com/JustinHamiltonTurner/aws-cloud-resume